When we want to store more than one value of single datatype in a variable, we use arrays.So we can say that arrays are strongly types.

How to Create an Array Variable :

Array in C#
I believe if we go by example it would be the best approach for easy understanding. Suppose I want to store even numbers. In that case, I would create an array variable named “EvenNumbers” which would be of datatype int as even numbers are integers.

 int[] EvenNumbers = new int[5];

The “[ ]”square brackets followed by the integer datatype means that the variable name “EvenNumbers ” is supposed to be an array. We use the new keyword followed by the datatype int[3] to tell the compiler that when the array variable is created it can store only 3 values of integer datatype.

 How to Assign Value to Array Variable :

The array variable have indices starting from 0 , so if they can have only 3 values in them, you can start adding value to the array member that has an indices (index) value of 0 till 2.

For Ex : In our case


How to Access a particular Array Value ?

In our case, lets say we want to print the second value of the array i.e. n-1 where n is the position number of the value you want to access. So, EvenNumbers[n-1] will be EvenNumber[1]  = 4; To print this value lets create this program to understand better ;

Ex :

using System;
class array_ex
   public static void main()
           Int[] EvenNumbers = new int[3];

Advantages of using Array :

They are strongly typed i.e. if an array is declared to be integer array it can not accept string value.

Disadvantages of Array :

If you already assign an array the number of values (in our case 3) , you can not add more values into it after it reaches its limit.