The performance of website is something for which all the web owners worry. There are certain elements  which we are going to discuss in “Web Hosting

Web hosting is one type the service that allows your website to be accessed or viewed by anyone and from anywhere on the internet.

Web hosting service is provided by web host (companies) who provide space for your website on its server and they will do this with so efficiency as to keep people entertained.

Today there are lots of web hosting services  it could be free or paid. Which one to choose depends upon your requirement and the amount you want to spend on your website.

Lets us see the various types of web hosting service :

1. Free web Hosting :

If you have just stepped into this field, then recommendations are that you go for the free hosting services.If you have been there for some time, but you have not yet understood or found out much about the types of hosting, then free hosting is just enough.

This type of hosting is better option for personal and small websites. With free web hosting service, you are offered limited features but the drawback is that free hosting services gets funds by advertising which appears on your website, so we can say that free web hosting is good if website is for personal purpose and not for business purpose.

Free web hosting gives you limited services as compared to paid, gives less space on server and limited bandwidth and is less secure with no or limited database and technical support.

2. Paid Web Hosting :                                                                                                                                   

When you are paying some cost for the space & services given by hosts, it is called paid web hosting. In paid web hosting cost depends on the number of features you are including in your websites i.e. as you pay more, get more features and services.

Paid hosting gives you services like ASP, Database Support, more space on server or more bandwidth, etc.

3. Shared Web Hosting

‘Shared web hosting’ is also known as ‘virtual hosting service’.

In Shared web hosting, there are many websites reside on server with your websites i.e. your account and many other accounts are there for hosting websites.

Each are given its own space/section or partition and managed separately. We can say this is the most economical option for the web hosting.

Shared web hosting generally uses the web based control panel like cPanel, Plesk , etc. or may use their own developed custom control panel.

The market of shared web hosting is driven through PPC : Pay Per Click advertising.

4. Collocated Web hosting :

In this type of web hosting, you are privately own some place, services on web server.

Here you place your web server on the location (premises) of a host or service provider.

This hosting is best for those who want to use their own machines and web-servers but do not want to maintain. So with this hosting, website owner places his own server at the locations of host and that is stored, maintained and serviced by host.

With this hosting, you have control over your server and your resources with more protection and security.

5. Dedicated Web Hosting :

This is the one of the most expensive option and best for the large websites having high traffic, website needs powerful database support and those who want to use special software on their sites or we can say strong software support. Dedicated web hosting means you are using your own dedicated server for hosting websites without sharing.

With this powerful and secure option, you have your own dedicated server so you have full authority and control over what available to you.

6. Reseller Web Hosting :

In Reseller Web Hosting, a person or company first own some space and then it offers (resells) it’s owned space to others (customers) for profit. It is like that the owner first owns host’s service in whole-sale and then he sells them to customer by simply allocating some portion of space and bandwidth or giving access to some amount of space and services.