C Language vs. Pascal Language


C Language

Pascal Language

C language was found by Dennis Ritchie in 1972. Pascal language was found by Niklaus Wirth in 1969. Name of this language is kept Pascal in the honor of ‘one of the great french mathematician & philosopher named “Blaise Pascal“‘.
C language is influenced by ALGOL 68, BCPL, Assembly , Fortran, PL/I. etc. This Language was influenced by ALGOL 60.
In C language, semicolon (;) is used as statement terminator. In Pascal language, semicolon (;) is used as statement separator.
/* comment */, // comment, are used for comments. {comment} – curly braces and (* comment *) are used for  comments.
return, break and continue can be used in C. return, break and continue is not used in Pascal.
C language is case-sensitive. Pascal language is not case sensitive.
C does not have Boolean data type but have relational operators. Pascal have Boolean data type.
To define constant in C, #define is used.For ex : #define PI=3.14 ; To define constant in Pascal, constant is used.For ex : constant PI = 3.14
Variable declaration in c :For ex : int x;
int x , y ;
Variable declaration in PascalFor ex : var x : integer ;
var x, y : integer;
Pointer variable declaration in C :For ex :    int *x; Pointer variable declaration in Pascal :For ex :     x:^integer
In C language, no such specific keyword is used in beginning or ending but “{“ and  “}” are used for block of statements. In Pascal, program starts with the keyword ‘program’ and then follows begin and end keywords.
In C pointer there is no such specific references. C Pointer allows references to all variables, object and functions. In Pascal, Pointers does not reference static or local variable. It only allows reference to the anonymous and dynamically created variables i.e. Pointers are type safe in pascal.
C uses && , || and % . Pascal uses and , or and mod keyword.

Besides these, there is many differences between C and Pascal including their control structure , floating point type, enumeration, Array, Expressions or operators, precedence level,functions and procedures , etc.