Is .NET a clone of JAVA?
I have seen this question arise a lot in the discussion which often turns into battle field for the developer community. Many believe that .net is a clone of Java.…
Difference between MVC2, MVC3, MVC4 | MVC2 vs. MVC3 vs. MVC4
The main purpose of the MVC (Model, View and Controller) architecture is to make separation of the business layer (logic) and the application layer (data) from the presentation layer to…
3 Layer vs 3 Tier Architecture | Difference Between 3 Layer and 3 Tier Architecture
What is diffrence between 3 Layer Architecture and 3 Tier Architecture ?? Before moving to understand what is difference between 3 Tier Architecture and 3 Layer architecture lets have an…
What are the goals of Dot Net (.net) Framework?
With the .NET Framework, Microsoft's goal is not to provide an abstraction technology for developers building a particular kind of application, Microsoft's goal is to provide an abstraction technology for…