Difference between Tree and Binary Tree


General Tree

Binary Tree

A general tree is a data structure in that each node can have infinite number of children, A Binary tree is a data structure in that each node has at most two nodes left and right.
A General tree can’t be empty. A Binary tree can be empty.
There is no limit on the degree of node in a general tree. Nodes in a binary tree cannot have more than degree 2.
Subtree of general tree are not ordered. Subtree of binary tree are ordered.
In general tree, root have in-degree 0 and maximum out-degree n. In binary tree, root have in-degree 0 and maximum out-degree 2.
In general tree, each node have in-degree one and maximum out-degree n. In binary tree, each node have in-degree one and maximum out-degree 2.
Height of a general tree is the length of longest path from root to the leaf of tree. Height(T) = {max(height(child1) , height(child2) , … height(child-n) ) +1} Height of a binary tree is : Height(T) = { max (Height(Left Child) , Height(Right Child) + 1}
 Tree  Binary Trees