With an assumption “No one is perfect and we all keep learning as we progress”, We at Freefeast today start with some small write-ups sharing some essential Blogging tips for beginners!
Blogging Tips for Beginners : Freefeast.info
Its never too late to start learning – so even if you had a potential Blogger inside you and made a Blog but could not operate it for whatever reasons : Its never too late to Begin !
Prerequisite for Blogging
Well, the critical thing required before starting to Blog is the aim of Blogging, because directionless we land up no where.So if one is knowing well in advance that what is one’s key interest areas to write / share thoughts and key knowledge areas it would indeed be a jolly good start.
Naming the Blog
Naming Blogs !
It is as important as having your own name, because it is going to be your virtual identity on web. And first thing people notice about one’s Blog is the name of the Blog !
It should be decent – helps to develop good repo with potential readers.
It should be easy to memorize – will benefit in long run.
It should convey some meaning – should not be completely random or junk.
Deciding the Tagline of the Blog
Taglines are really important
Its difficult at times to convey our lot many thoughts in many words, but an ideal tagline should be like a Elevator Pitch – A short, sweet summary of what you intend to write or showcasing that what your Blog is all about or what can be expected from your Blog.
Ideally be of 150-160 words max.
Simple. Lucid and Understandable.
Should be attractive
Should be unique – please avoid using tagline of other Bloggers !
Deciding the Look/Interface of Blog
The thing which is noticed most when a visitor lands on your Blog for the first time. The color combinations, the way posts are managed, the selection of widgets and most important –Readability !
Keep it simple – but yes use creativity with colors.
Match the theme with the type of content you intend to post.
Keep it readable.
Do not keep it boring, but do not overload with junk too.
Deciding which Site to Host your Blog on ?
There are many good Blogging solution providers, however most popular being WordPress & Blogger. It is one’s own prerogative to check for basic features, up gradation plans ( this would help in future ), and other pros/cons of the leading ones and to choose the best one which fits one’s interests and future plans !
Lots and Lots more to come,
Stay tuned with Freefeast,
With Regards,
Deep Bajaj
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