#@program: To find the sum of all digits by the user
#@author : Binoy Wilson
#@Date : 4th Jan, 2012
echo "*********************************";
echo " PROGRAM : Total Sum Of Number";
echo "*********************************";
echo "Please enter a number of your choice:\c";
#variable to store the no entered by the user
read no;
echo "The number you have selected is : $no";
#to store the final answer#to store the final answer
#using loop to isolate every digit in the number
while [ `expr $no % 10` -ne 0 ]
#The isolated number is stored
e=`expr $no % 10`;
#The final sum is optained at the end of the loop in this variable
finalans=`expr $e + $finalans`;
# number left after the removal of the isolated number
no=`expr $no / 10`;
echo " *********";
echo " Sum of all its digits are : $finalans";
echo " *********";
exit 0;