Difference between Panel and PlaceHolder Control | Panel Control vs. PlaceHolder Control in ASP.Net
Panel Control vs. PlaceHolder Control Panel Control PlaceHolder Control Panel Control does have its visual layout and used as the container for other controls. PlaceHolder control does not have…
Difference between User Control and Custom Control | User Control vs. Custom Control
Difference between User Control and Custom Control User Controls Custom Controls User Controls are easy to use. Custom Controls are difficult to use. it has limited support. it has full…
Difference between Server side scripting and Client side scripting | Server side scripting vs. Client side scripting
We would define a script as a set of instructions. For Web pages they are instructions either to the Web server(server-side scripting) or to the Web Browser (client-side scripting). Let’s…
What are the goals of Dot Net (.net) Framework?
With the .NET Framework, Microsoft's goal is not to provide an abstraction technology for developers building a particular kind of application, Microsoft's goal is to provide an abstraction technology for…