Comments in C# | Different Types Of Comments in C#
Comments are that block of code that is used for program documentation and those line(s) of code is ignored by compiler while execution. There are three ways of commenting in…
Verbatim Literals in ASP.Net and C#
Have you ever come up with standard where you wanted to access a path in a program. Lets just say : d:\binoy\jpeg\website\ If I want…
Difference between Java and JavaScript | Java vs. JavaScript
Many people assumes that JavaScript is similar to Java language as it contains the name but it is not true and today we well see how Java and JavaScript differs…
Difference between Runtime Polymorphism and Compile time Polymorphism
Polymorphism means “Poly mean Multiple” + “Morph means Forms” . It is one feature of Object Oriented Paradigm having ability of taking more than one form. Generally in Polymorphism we…
Difference between Compiler and interpreter | Compiler vs. Interpreter
Difference between Compiler and interpreter Compiler Interpreter Scanning Compiler scans the entire program first and then translates into machine code. Interpreter scans and translates the program line by line…
CoffeeScript | Use CoffeeScript to write your JavaScript
Even though JavaScript is a powerful language, it has drawback like the structural programming style. CoffeeScript, on the other hand, is a language that compiles into JavaScript. The underlying idea…
History of java: explained by| Why java was initially named OAK
The history of java language dates way before 1991. Still the notable growth of java starts from this very year. A team led by James Goslings were working hard to…