ADO is base on COM : Component Object Modelling based. |
ADO.Net is based on CLR : Common Language Runtime based. |
ADO stores data in binary format. |
ADO.Net stores data in XML format i.e. parsing of data. |
ADO can’t be integrated with XML because ADO have limited access of XML. |
ADO.Net can be integrated with XML as having robust support of XML. |
In ADO, data is provided by RecordSet. |
In ADO.Net data is provided by DataSet or DataAdapter. |
ADO is connection oriented means it requires continuous active connection. |
ADO.Net is disconnected, does not need continuous connection. |
ADO gives rows as single table view, it scans sequentially the rows using MoveNext method. |
ADO.Net gives rows as collections so you can access any record and also can go through a table via loop. |
In ADO, You can create only Client side cursor. |
In ADO.Net, You can create both Client & Server side cursor. |
Using a single connection instance, ADO can not handle multiple transactions. |
Using a single connection instance, ADO.Net can handle multiple transactions. |