Implicit Conversion

Explicit Conversion

Implicit Conversion is done automatically. Explicit Conversion is done programatically.
In Implicit conversion, no data loss take place during the data conversion. In explicit conversion, data loss may or may not be take place during data conversion. Hence there is a risk of information loss.
No possibility of throwing exception during the conversion and therefore is called type safe. It might throw error if tried to do without type casting.
Implicit conversion do not require any special syntax. Explicit conversion do require cast operator to perform conversion.
 Example :
Conversion of smaller number to larger number is implicit conversion.
Conversion of integer type data to float.float i=0;
int j=10;

// This is implicit conversion since float is larger than integer,hence no loss of data & no exception.

 Example :
Conversion of larger number to smaller number is explicit conversion.float k=123.456
int i= (int) k  

// This is Explicit conversion and  (int) is type cast operator. Here we may be able to escape an exception but there is noticeable data loss.i.e. i=123

// .456 is lost during conversion