Difference between REST and SOAP | REST vs. SOAP
Stands For : |
REST Stands for “Representational State Transfer”. | SOAP Stands for “Simple Object Access Protocol”. |
Type |
REST is an architecture style and not a protocol. | SOAP is a protocol which is based on XML.
Standard |
REST is not standard specified like SOAP i.e. REST has no such specification. | SOAP is standard specific and it is a strongly typed. |
Implementation |
Implementation of REST is easy than SOAP. | Implementation of SOAP is not so easy as REST. |
Speed |
REST is faster than the SOAP. | SOAP is not so faster as REST. |
Transport Protocol |
REST is transport dependent i.e. it only uses HTTP. | SOAP is transport independent protocol i.e. it can use HTTP, SMTP, FTP, UTP and many more.. |
Size |
REST is lightweight as it does not have extra XML. | SOAP is heavy i.e. not light weight. |
State |
REST is stateless and easy to understand & implement. | SOAP is stateful and having more restricted. |
Message |
Message sent using REST should be self contained & Should control interaction. It uses XML, JSON , plain text ,etc.. protocol for message communication. | SOAP does not need such requirements. It only uses XML for message communication. |
Orientation |
REST is Resource oriented. | SOAP is Object Oriented. |
Service Description |
REST have no such concept of WSDL for service description. | SOAP has WSDL (Web Services Description Language) for service description. |
Tools |
REST may not need any kind of tools or framework for development. | With SOAP , tools and framework are required for development. |