Difference between HTTP and HTTPS | HTTP vs. HTTPS
Difference between HTTP and HTTPS | HTTP vs. HTTPS
Stands For | HTTP stands for “HyperText Transfer Protocol”. | HTTPS stands for “HyperText Transfer Protocol via SSL (Secure Socket Layer)” i.e.“HTTPS = HTTP + SSL” |
Developed by | HTTP was developed by ‘Tim Berners-Lee’. | HTTPS was developed by ‘Netscape Communications ‘. |
When Used | This protocol is used with the web sites in which no need of security. | This protocol is used with the web sites which are needed to be secure & reliable during transition. |
Where Used |
HTTP used with blog site, information site, etc. | HTTPS is used with shopping sites, banking sites, social sites, etc. |
Port | HTTP uses port no : 80 | HTTPS uses port no : 443 |
Encryption | HTTP uses no encryption so less secure. | HTTPS uses encryption for the secure transition so it is more secure. |
Certification | HTTP needs no certification. | HTTPS needs certification. |
Operated at |
Operates at “Application Layer” in OSI Model. | Operates at “Transport Layer”in OSI Model. |
URL | HTTP URL starts with “https://” | HTTPS URL starts with “https://” |
Action Cycle | Browser opens the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connection then sends HTTP request to server, server responds through HTTP to browser and then connection of TCP is closed. | First Authentication is done then selection of ciphers or cryptographic algorithms which client & server supports then encryption technique is used and after that creation of encrypted SSL(Secure Socket Layer) connection and after that HTTP request will work to continue… |
Example | “” , “” | ” ,” |