Difference between HTML Controls and ASP.Net Standard Controls | HTML Controls vs. ASP.Net Controls
HTML Controls Controls HTML control runs at client side. controls run at server side. You can run HTML controls at server side by adding attribute runat=”server”. You can not run…
Difference between HTML and XHTML
HTML XHTML HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is the language that is used to create webpages and display information in internet browsers. It was first introduced in w3c in the…
Difference between Web Server and Application Server
Web Server Application Server It is a program which uses the Client/Server model and Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to serve files to web users. The files are served in…
Difference between JDK (Java development kit) and JRE (Java Runtime environment)
JDK Vs. JRE JDK JRE The acronym for JDK is “Java Development Kit” released by Oracle corporation. The acronym for JRE is “Java Runtime Environment” which is also released by…
Uncaught Reference Error: $ is not defined- A jQuery beginner error
After a long time i tried to get back to coding. I thought it would be good to start with jQuery. I felt that i was a beginner. It was…
Difference between Panel and PlaceHolder Control | Panel Control vs. PlaceHolder Control in ASP.Net
Panel Control vs. PlaceHolder Control Panel Control PlaceHolder Control Panel Control does have its visual layout and used as the container for other controls. PlaceHolder control does not have…
How to use Jquery Datepicker in PHP | JQUERY UI : DATEPICKER
In previous tutorial we have seen Introduction of Jquery Introduction to Jquery: A framework made in heaven ;). In this tutorial we are going to see how to use…
Insert Data in MySQL using PHP | Insertion In PHP
In Today’s tutorial we will see how to insert data in MySQL using PHP, But for that we require database and table to be created. In PHP Tutorial, we have seen…
In today’s session we will see how to upload file in PHP. Using HTML form and PHP script, you can allow users to upload data on server. Initially we will…
Form Validation in PHP
In the last tutorial we have seen how to create FORM in HTML and display it in PHP file. But what if that data are not filled or not valid…