Create your first web form using Master Page
In the previous tutorial, you learn about making your first master Page. Master Pages are like blueprints that we will be using to generate similar copies of web pages. So,…
Create your first Master Page
I will be keep things here really simple. Even a person with no experience in .net should be able to follow this tutorial. I will be using Visual Studio 2012.…
Difference between Web Application and Web Site in .net | Web Application Vs. Web Site
Difference between Web Application and Web Site in .net Web Application Web Site All the list of the files included in the project is stored in the .csproj/.vbproj No such…
Is .NET a clone of JAVA?
I have seen this question arise a lot in the discussion which often turns into battle field for the developer community. Many believe that .net is a clone of Java.…
History of java: explained by| Why java was initially named OAK
The history of java language dates way before 1991. Still the notable growth of java starts from this very year. A team led by James Goslings were working hard to…
What are the goals of Dot Net (.net) Framework?
With the .NET Framework, Microsoft's goal is not to provide an abstraction technology for developers building a particular kind of application, Microsoft's goal is to provide an abstraction technology for…