Now you will have a new Android project with a given name by you in side panel called Eclipse File Explorer.

In this section, we will be familiar with different types of files & folders generated by ADT itself when you create a new Android Project.

  • AndroidManifest.xml—You can call it configuration file for your Android application.
  •— This file is generated build by ADT Plug-in for Android. It is highly recommended that one should not edit this file. Because Eclipse uses this file internally & so any change in this file may cause misbehavior of Android Project.
  • proguard.cfg—This is a build file generated by ADT Plug-in & it is used by Eclipse & ProGuard tool. This file is useful for code optimization and obfuscation. [We’ll learn about obfuscation in later section]
  • /src folder—Source code of all classes reside here.
  • /src/<package-name>/<Name of your main activity>.java—This activity will be the entry point to the application. It is alos defined as default launch activity in Android manifest file.
  • /gen/<package-name>/—This file acts as Resource file for management of source file. Again it is highly recommended that one should not edit this file.
  • /assets folder—This folder contains uncompiled file resources. As per the need those can be used in project.
  • /res folder—This folder manages all the Resources (drawable graphics, xml files for layout, animation resources, constant data like strings, number & raw files).
  • /res/drawable-*—This folder includes graphic resources required in the application. Images/icons of different sizes for several device screen resolutions are pasted in this folders.
  • /res/layout/main.xml—This can be called as layout resource file. It will be adapted by your main activity & the controls defined in this files will be managed by your activity class.
  • /res/values/strings.xml—string.xml is yet another resource file where all the string resources which are constant throughout the application.