Difference between JSON and XML | JSON vs. XML
Difference between JSON and XML
Stands For | JSON : “JavaScript Object Notation”. | XML: “Extensible Markup Language”. |
Extended From | JSON is extended from JavaScript. | XML is extended from SGML : “Standard Generalized Markup Language“. |
Purpose | JSON is one type of text-based format or standard for interchanging data i.e. human readable. JSON is developed by “Douglas Crockford”. | XML is a Markup Language having format that contains set of rules for the encoding the documents which is readable for both human & machine. XML is developed by W3C :“World Wide Web Consortium “. |
Syntax | JSON syntax is lighter than XML as JSON has serialized format of data having less redundancy. JSON does not contain start and end tags. | XML is not so lighter as JSON as having start and end tags and it takes more character than JSON to represent same data. |
Speed | JSON is light – weighted in compare to XML as it has serialized format and so faster also. | XML is not so light weighted as JSON. |
Support of Data Type & Array | JSON supports datatype including integer and strings, JSON also supports array. | XML does not provide any data type so needs to be parsed into particular datatype. No direct support for array also. |
Object Support | JSON has support of native objects. | XML can get support of objects through mixed use of attributes & elements. |
Comments | JSON does not support Comments | XML supports comments. |
Namespace | JSON does not have support for Namespaces. | XML supports Namespaces. |
Mapping | JSON is data oriented and can be mapped more easily. | XML is document oriented and needs more effort for mapping. |
Parsing | JSON uses only evel() for parsing i.e. for interpreting the JavaScript code & returns the result. It does not need any additional code for parsing. | XML needs XML Document Object Model (DOM) implementation & with that additional code for mapping text back to the JavaScript objects. |
Application | For Web services, JSON is better. | For configuration, XML is better. |
Changing Format | You can not change JSON data to other format. | In XML, using XSLT you can change XML data into another format like comma –delimited, plain text, JSON, etc. |
Access | In JSON no such is interface for getting direct access to a part in JSON data-structure. | In XML, Using XPath, it is possible to get the direct access to a particular part of multiple parts of XML data- structure. |