There won’t be any drink by the name of Facebook in China
There is no way of stopping the American social giant Facebook. Most of the American companies have walked away from the Chinese courts with their shoulders down. But this time,…
A new second skin to make you look younger
A new second skin that can make you look younger up to twenty years. According to the scientists, an invisible elastic film which can be applied on the skin.…
Reading from the Tablet and laptop may change our thinking process
We are now living in a digital era, where everything possible is on the internet. Even reading is digital. If you are so much into reading from your computer screen…
A new atlas of brain shows the where we store our words
Our brain is the master of what we do, consciously or subconsciously. Our every move is first prepared up there. Once the brain makes a decision it forces…
WhatsApp might be developing app for desktop
WhatssApp is expanding to reach as many people as possible around the world. The latest addition in that is the chat messaging company is trying to develop the app for…
Social Media at its Best
This is the time of social media. You are more welcomed socially if you have a stable social media life. Your life’s focus depends on how much time you spend…
Your tweet may have 140 characters, now excluding photos and links
Despite the dominance of Facebook over social media, Twitter has managed to impress so many users around the world. There social media addicts who can get high only on twitter.…
Awesome things you should try on Facebook
We all love Facebook. We spend hours on the site surfing the interesting features it offers. But are you using every feature that Facebook offers? If you think you do,…
If you are having a secret, it can be revealed so easily
Everyone has secrets. Some people are mysterious and can live their life with their face masked to socialize. But people who live among us are sometimes hiding the truths about…
Apple finances $1 billion to Chinese taxi app
Apple has invested $1 billion in an app Didi Chuxing, a Beijing-based company which provides the taxi services like US-based Company Uber. The Chinese company Didi said that this was…