Is your Website Mobile Friendly?
Over a period of time, when most of us actually surf more & more with our Cellular devices, it is high time now site owners ( New & Existing )…
Inbox by Gmail : Introduction,Tips & Tricks
Hi, This is for all our friends out here. We wanted to keep this article simple, this article aims to tell in brief that - What is InboxbyGmail? - How…
Windows 10 | New Version of Microsoft’s new Window OS
Microsoft Corporation announced new version of Windows OS is Windows 10 by replacing Windows 8 and by Skipping Windows 9. Windows 10 was officially announced on 30th September 2014 having…
VA Shiva Ayyadurai | Life of Shiva Ayyadurai | Creator of an Email
Who is Shiva Ayyadurai ? Indian origin’s VA Shiva Ayyadurai is a scientist of America. He is not only Scientist but also Inventor, Technologist, Educator and Entrepreneur. Nowadays he is…
The Application Trend from BYOD to BYOA
The Ever Changing World of Technology The trends in the technology world change in no time and the same is applicable to BYOD and BYOA. A large number of reviews…
Augmented Intelligence – You up for it?
We all watched Small Wonder and marvelled at the little robot girl when we were young. Obviously, all of us treated it as a piece of fiction and no one…
Apple has added a new name to the list of programming languages. Its called the ‘SWIFT’ programming language. Swift, Apple’s new programming language took about 4 years to get developed.…
Android L | Android’s Next Version
Nowadays you may hardly find a person who do not know about Android and Android phones. This popularity does not stop here, every day the figures of Android users are…