The Evolution of Logo : Microsoft
One of the world's most well known and valuable company Microsoft, founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975. Recently we have heard that Microsoft has changed its logo…
Biography of Raju Vanapala | Raju Vanapala Way2Sms
We all admire celebs and their contributions. We also study about their lifestyles and how big their companies are and how big difference they brought in our lives. Somewhere somehow…
Mark Zuckerberg House | Mark Zuckerberg Home Loan
We study about the personalities and their lives, each personality has his/her own life style. Today we are covering House of Mark Zuckerberg. Mark infront of his house ! Mark…
Life of Anders Hejlsberg | Anders Hejlsberg History
Some people truly have the fire in them, fire to do something new; and that changes the way future generations function. A generation back when any geek wanted to learn…
The Evolution of Logo : Apple Inc.
Apple 's most famous company of software, personal Computers, and consumer electronics . Apple is the 3rd largest mobile phone maker of world. Apple was established in 1st April of…
Logo | Importance Of Logo | Hidden Meanings in Logo
Often we say "First Impression is the last impression", Logos do the same, it is the first impression of your company, business ,etc. Logo is a symbol that gives identify…
Dennis Ritchie | Father of the ‘C’ and Co-Creator of Unix
Dennis M. Ritchie, co-creator of UNIX and creator of the C programming language, was born in Bronxville, NY in 1941. It's no less to say that modern computing what we have today…
Famous IT Personalities in Computers| Language Founders
Larry Wall "Guru of Perl".He is well known as creator of "Perl" Language. He is the writer of the "Patch" Program. He is the co-author of the bestselling book named…
Famous Indian IT Personalities | Famous IT Personalities of India in Computers
Raju Vanapala Raju Vanapala V V Raju, Founder & CEO of V V Raju is main pillar behind the success of Mr. Raju completed his MCA (Master Of Computer Application)…
History of James Gosling | Father of Java | Java Creator
Change .. Change is the driving force and change is the necessity. And that was visioned by someone who wanted to do something different and that different thing ruled quiet…